Classes at the English department will be on-site by default (exceptions have already been announced on u:find).

Exams take place on-site or online as announced by the lecturer. Please check your university e-mail account regularly for messages from your lecturers and the Rector's Office.



Der UniClub bietet im S25 für Lehramtstudierende die Möglichkeit Praxis zu sammeln!


Delay in Processing Requests

As most of our admin staff is currently sick, processing your requests will take us longer than normal at the moment. Thank you for your...


Students with experience in content creation willing to support us in SS 2025 for 14 hrs/week are welcome to apply by 27 February.


Job opening as a Teaching Associate starting August 22, 2025


We just launched our brandnew instagram account - follow us for study information, deadline reminders, news, events and more.


Über die Sommermonate hinweg gibt es die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen eines offenen Schreibraums in klimatisierten Räumlichkeiten der Universität Wien an...

Anglistik Wien Englisch Wien
