

Late Registration Period: 12.03.2025

Information how to register and a list with available course spots


Der UniClub bietet im S25 für Lehramtstudierende die Möglichkeit Praxis zu sammeln!


Delay in Processing Requests

As most of our admin staff is currently sick, processing your requests will take us longer than normal at the moment. Thank you for your...


Job opening as a Teaching Associate starting August 22, 2025


We just launched our brandnew instagram account - follow us for study information, deadline reminders, news, events and more.


Über die Sommermonate hinweg gibt es die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen eines offenen Schreibraums in klimatisierten Räumlichkeiten der Universität Wien an...



"Rudolphina" Magazine interviewed Tatiana Konrad on her new book "Climate Change Fiction and Ecocultural Crisis".


Read the interview with Monika Pietrzak-Franger on her book "Scheinbar genesen" in the latest "Rudolphina" issue.


Julia Lajta-Novak was recently interviewed by Ö1 on the tradition and now trend of discussing literature in book clubs. Listen to it here.


Call for Papers for the conference from 24-26 September focusing on literary, (pop)cultural, social, political and economic contexts of scandals.


Prof. Reichl recently explained the trending bookclubs on ORF´s "Kulturmontag". Watch it here ("Lifestyle Lesen")


Prof. Reichl recently talked in an Ö1 podcast about the dystopic society and the repression of women´s rights in the novel, also known as a TV series.


11.03.2025 16:15

Katharina Wiedlack invites you to Anastassiya Andrianova´s (North Dakota State University) lecture on March 11.

04.10.2024 15:07

A. Ganser & J. Pühringer invite you to their lecture series with various guest speakers, film screenings and Q&A's at Gartenbau Kino.


The UB Lesesaal will be closed from Sept 23 and no book orders from Nov-Dec. Find more information on the project page or sign up for an info session...