
"After StEOP" Orientation Meeting


On Feb 2 we are offering a new orientation meeting for students who have passed the StEOP!

On Friday 2.2. we are offering a new online "After StEOP" BA orientation meeting where we will inform you about the most important websites, your curriculum, and much more about your study circle after the first term. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions that you may have about your study programme. The orientation meeting primarily addresses students who have recently finished their first semester, but students who would just like to refresh their memory on some general processes are, of course, equally welcome. You can register for the orientation meeting via u:find. As soon as you are registered to the After StEOP online meeting, you should have access to the moodle page, where the meeting will be held online via ZOOM.




BA meeting 10:00-12:00

BEd meeting 12:00-14:00



BA u:find

BEd u:find