

Job opening as a Teaching Associate starting August 22, 2025


Assist us in developing innovative ways to integrate AI into language learning (SS 2025 for 10 hrs/ week).


Advanced students interested in holding two weekly tutorial sessions and other tasks are welcome to apply by 8 December.


Writing Mentoring 2024W

Feeling overwhelmed by your upcoming papers? Have no idea where to start? Join our WRITING MENTORING programme!


We just launched our brandnew instagram account - follow us for study information, deadline reminders, news, events and more.


Über die Sommermonate hinweg gibt es die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen eines offenen Schreibraums in klimatisierten Räumlichkeiten der Universität Wien an...



Prof. Reichl recently explained the trending bookclubs on ORF´s "Kulturmontag". Watch it here ("Lifestyle Lesen")


Prof. Reichl recently talked in an Ö1 podcast about the dystopic society and the repression of women´s rights in the novel, also known as a TV series.


Tarla´s master’s thesis won the prize awarded by Fulbright Austria and the AAAS - congratulations! Watch the interview here.


Katharina Wiedlack has created teaching materials on the US election campaign (explanations, analysis, videos) available online here.


Monika Pietrzak-Franger explains in "Rudolphina" magazine why patients suffering from chronic illnesses often face multiple forms of stigma.


Katharina Wiedlack talks in a recent ÖAW interview about the candidates' rhetoric, the importance of social media and attracting young voters.



Die Tagung thematisiert aktuelle Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Aktions-, Praxisforschung und Lesson Studies. Anmeldung bis 15.1.


British poet and theatre-maker Malaika Kegode will give an artist talk followed by a Q&A session on 22 January. Please register via e-mail.

04.10.2024 15:07

A. Ganser & J. Pühringer invite you to their lecture series with various guest speakers, film screenings and Q&A's at Gartenbau Kino.


The UB Lesesaal will be closed from Sept 23 and no book orders from Nov-Dec. Find more information on the project page or sign up for an info session...