
Handing in applications for recognition and graduation documents over the summer?


Read below what you should keep in mind when you hand in your documents to the SSS office during the summer holidays.

Our team is having the usual opening hours during the summer months and will only be closed between August 14th-30th, 2024. 

Due to our closing times in August, we ask you to hand in your documents before August 14th, 2024 for internal recognitions and graduation documents, if these need to be considered for the registration period at the English Department in September. 

Please note that the official applications for external recognitions (for courses from other departments/universities) have to be handed in by August 5th, 2024 after an initial consultation, if they should be considered for the registration period.

Please read the information about the recognition process here

While we can process your graduation documents, please note that you have to be admitted in the respective MA/MEd program in order to register for master courses/exams. 

The processing of the recognition applications can take up to 8 weeks. 

The processing of the graduation documents can take up to 4 weeks from the point all documents have been handed it at all respective service units and no further changes or corrections are needed. 

Should you have questions about these deadlines, please get in touch with the SSS Anglistik at or during the office hours.