Recognition of courses before the registration period

Students who need to apply for a recognition or complete their bachelor studies in order to register for courses during the registration period in September have to keep in mind several dealines. 

More information here

Important: Recommended path of study for BA/BEd students

As of WS23/24 the allocation of course places for BA and BEd (UF Englisch) students is based on the recommended path of study. You can find the recommended study path, as stated by the curriculum, here: 

BA English and American Studies 

BEd UF Englisch

The allocation of points for courses will not be necessary anymore - you will be allocated to the course/group of your preference based on the percentage you have acheived according to the recommended path of study.

For more information please read the information here or contact the SSS Anglistik

Registration periods for courses

  • All registration is done in U:SPACE.
  • A full list of courses offered each semester can be found in the Course Directory in U:FIND.
  • For additional information on how to sign up for courses, see our info page on registration.
  • Students can repeat courses within 12 months of receiving a positive grade for the same course. Repeating the course at a later point is not possible. More information here (in German). 

Lectures (VO)
from 01.09.2024 until 30.9.2025

You don't need to allocate points for lectures.

Please note that Moodle platforms are sometimes only activated once the 1st session has taken place. Therefore, if you sign up for a lecture before the term starts, please wait until after the 1st session before you contact your lecturer(s).

Tutorials do not require registration.
Exception: You do need to register for the PPOCS 1 Language Lab via U:SPACE!

Courses with continuous assessment (UE, PS, SE, VK, AR, ...)
Registration09.09. 12:00 (noon) to 23.09., 12:00 (noon)
Course allocationuntil 30.09.
Courses start07.10. (in some cases courses may start earlier, the information is avaialble in the course directory on u:find)


Attention: If you cannot make it to the first lesson of your course, you need to write the lecturer an e-mail stating the reason you cannot attend BEFORE the start of the lesson. All students who do not show up and fail to inform the lecturer in time will be automatically deregistered.

Deregistration from courses with continuous assessment is possible until 31 October and is done in U:SPACE. If you quit a course after this date, you will get a fail grade. If you intend to deregister from a course you're currently in, please do so as early as possible in order to allow for one of your colleagues from the waiting list to take your place.

ILSS 1: If you want to take ILSS 1 and have not passed the Vienna English Language Test (VELT) yet, you must sign up for both ILSS 1 and VELT during the same registration period. Do not wait until you've passed the VELT to sign up for ILSS 1! Should you not pass the VELT, your registration for ILSS 1 will simply not count, but there is no chance to sign up for ILSS 1 anymore if you wait until after the VELT has taken place (except through remaining course places, see below).

4th attempt: The system will not let you sign up if it is your 4th attempt at a course with continuous assessment. In that situation, please write an e-mail to the SSS during the registration period. You need to include your preferences ("Parallelveranstaltungen") in the correct order (for MA/MEd students - please include how many points you want to spend).

Student parents: Student parents can register for courses via special regulation during the registration phase if the following conditions are met: Child is 3 years or younger OR Child is 10 years or younger & student parent is working full time.
Please email BEFORE the start of the registration period and include scans of the following documents:
- Birth certificate of the child
- Residence registration form (Meldezettel) of the child and parent
- Confirmation of professional activity indicating number of working hours per week (if child is older than 3 years)
Having done that, register for the courses you would like to attend at the very beginning of the registration phase via u:space and immediately send an e-mail to the SSS with the request for registration.


Late registration (Nachmeldephase)
Course swappingfrom course allocation until 10.10. (only with a confirmed course place!)
Remaining course places (Restplätze)
for students of English
on 10.10., 15.10., and 17.10.
Remaining course places (Restplätze)
for students from other departments

on 10.10., 15.10., and 17.10.*
Please note: Students of English take precedence.



  • You can only sign up for remaining course places if you fulfil all the requirements for the respective course(s)!
  • Incoming ERASMUS students from other departments, please contact Mag. Monika Wittmann about the possibility of participating in courses.
  • Please read the information how to swap course spots or sign up for courses during the late registration here.

*Students from other departments, who want to register for courses, can do so during the late registration period. Please note that students from the English department take precedence! Registration for courses is possible only with permission from the SPL Team. For this, make sure to write an email to before/during the normal registration phase.