MA and MEd programmes
Students in our MA-curricula or MEd-curriculum are advised to hand in their documents (transcript of records and, if applicable, relevant notices of course recognition/admission) as soon as they have completed all their courses. Do not wait until you have completed your thesis. Please send your documents via email to the SSS Anglistik. You can find more information below, under your corresponding study program.
Further information
We strongly recommend that you read through the SSC and SSS websites. Many of the documents that relate to your graduation have to be handed in at the SSC, since they're responsible for issuing your degree certificate (Abschlusszeugnis).
Graduation Documents
Before submitting the documents for your graduation at the SSS, please check if all your personal information is entered correctly in your student record (e.g. personal names esp. regarding diacritics, academic titles, etc.). This information is visible in your u:space account under Personal matters --> Personal data and will be used for the issuing of the degree certificate.
In case of changes and inconsistencies please contact the Teaching Affairs and Study Services Team.
More information here.
Looking for a defensio chair?
If you have found your 1st and 2nd examiner and have decided on a time and date for your defensio, please find a list of possible chairpersons here: Chairing List
Final steps towards graduation
BA English and American Studies (033 612)
Important: If you have to take the supplementary Latin exam (Lateinergänzungsprüfung), please remember that it mustn't be the last exam taken during your studies!
Once you have completed all required courses (M1-10 = 135 ECTS + 45 ECTS Extension Curricula) you will be notified via email to your u:account by the automatized Mailhandler-Service. Make sure to double-check if all of your grades are entered in the correct modules and follow the steps below:
- Log into your u:space account and click the button “Zur Studienabschluss-Seite”, appearing above the Dashboard. Please read the information carefully and follow the steps for “Studienabschluss Bachelor MIT Erweiterungscurriculum”.
- Then click the button “Zum Studienabschluss-Formular”. This will take you to the Servicedesk platform, where you can apply for the issuing of your degree certificate.
- Choose the study program “Bachelorstudium English and American Studies” from the drop-down menu, mark the relevant checkboxes beneath, and upload the confirmation of participation in the online survey for graduates* and the confirmation of courses passed (Bestätigung über positiv abs. Prüfungen).
*You can complete the online survey for graduates at and download the confirmation of participation
(cf. Statistische Erhebung bei Absolvent_innen). The date of graduation equals the date of the last grade, relevant for the study program. - Click the button “Erstellen” to send your request directly to the SSS Anglistik.
- Once the SSS Anglistik receives your application, your documents will be checked and forwarded to the SSC Phil.-Kult., responsible for the issuing of your degree certificate. Within 4 weeks they will send an email to your u:account containing the following:
- Confirmation of completion of the programme
If you want to, you can now apply for our MA English Language and Linguistics or MA Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (cf. MA admission with a BA from the University of Vienna and Tagesaktuelle Zulassung zu fachgleichen Masterstudien) via u:space - Digital graduation documents
If you need a hard copy of the degree certificate, please check the information on the SSC’s webpage under “Erhalt der Abschlussunterlagen”.
- Confirmation of completion of the programme
Disclaimer: In case there are any inconsistencies upon submitting your application for issuing the degree certificate, the SSS Anglistik will contact you via email after checking your application.
Should you experience any issues handing in your application, please write an email to the SSS Anglistik at from your u:net address. Explain the problem in detail and, if applicable, include a screenshot.
MA English Language and Linguistics (088 612)
There are 3 things you need to do in order to graduate:
A. Complete all courses and hand in your documents as soon as possible
B. Write your MA thesis
C. Prepare for the MA defencePlease note: You can start working on or even hand in your thesis (B) before you've finished all the courses (A), but you will need to have completed both courses (A) and thesis (B) before you can register for the MA defence (C)!
A. Complete all courses
- Complete all 6 modules (84 ECTS total).
- Download your transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis).
- If applicable: Collect all relevant notices of course recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide) as well as your notice of admission (Zulassungsbescheid).
- Send these documents via email from your u:net address to the SSS Anglistik.
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre), so that they can confirm that your record of examinations (Prüfungspass) is complete. This process can take up to 4 weeks and is a requirement for registering for your defence (C), so take care of this in good time!
B. Write your MA thesis
- Decide on a topic for your thesis and find a supervisor. You should ideally be able to finish your thesis within 6 months.
- Register your thesis topic at the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre).
You can do this as early as during your 1st semester. - Complete the thesis.
- Submit your thesis online and at the SSC.
You will receive an e-mail to your u:account once the thesis has been reviewed and graded (unless you handed in your supervisor's report together with your thesis).
C. Prepare for the MA defence
- Find a 2nd examiner. You can choose anyone who is allowed to supervise theses in linguistics.
- Agree on a date and time for your defence with your supervisor and 2nd examiner.
- Find a chair with the help of our Chairing List.
- Register for your defence at the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre) with the form "Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung".
Watch out for the following 2 requirements and plan accordingly:- You need to have completed steps A (completion of courses confirmed) and B (thesis graded) before you can register.
- You have to register at least 2 weeks before the defence takes place.
MA Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (066 844)
There are 3 things you need to do in order to graduate:
A. Complete all courses and hand in your documents as soon as possible
B. Write your MA thesis
C. Prepare for the MA defencePlease note: You can start working on or even hand in your thesis (B) before you've finished all the courses (A), but you will need to have completed both courses (A) and thesis (B) before you can register for the MA defence (C)!
A. Complete all courses
- Complete all 8 modules (80 ECTS total).
- Download your transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis).
- If applicable: Collect all relevant notices of course recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide) as well as your notice of admission (Zulassungsbescheid).
- Send these documents via email from your u:net address to the SSS Anglistik.
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre), so that they can confirm that your record of examinations (Prüfungspass) is complete. This process can take up to 4 weeks and is a requirement for registering for your defence (C), so take care of this in good time!
B. Write your MA thesis
- Decide on a topic for your thesis and find a supervisor. You should ideally be able to finish your thesis within 6 months.
- Register your thesis topic at the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre).
You can do this as early as during your 1st semester. - Complete the thesis.
- Submit your thesis online and at the SSC.
You will receive an e-mail to your u:account once the thesis has been reviewed and graded (unless you handed in your supervisor's report together with your thesis).
C. Prepare for the MA defence
- Find a 2nd examiner. You can choose anyone who is allowed to supervise theses in literary and/or cultural studies.
- Agree on a date and time for your defence with your supervisor and 2nd examiner.
- Find a chair with the help of our Chairing List.
- Register for your defence at the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre) with the form "Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung".
Watch out for the following 2 requirements and plan accordingly:- You need to have completed steps A (completion of courses confirmed) and B (thesis graded) before you can register.
- You have to register at least 2 weeks before the defence takes place.
BEd Bachelor of Education (198 407 xxx or 198 xxx 407, 193 046 xxx or 193 xxx 046)
The information provided here concerns the UF Englisch (407/046) only. Please make sure to also read up on how things work with regard to general teacher education (LehrerInnenbildung, 198/193) and your 2nd subject.
To graduate, you will need to complete all 3 parts of the teacher education programme (both UFs + Lehrerinnenbildung).
Important: If you have to take the supplementary Latin exam (Lateinergänzungsprüfung), please remember that it must not be the last exam taken during your studies! We strongly advise you to attend Latin courses from your 2nd semester onwards.
A) Complete all required courses
- M01-09, M11: 93 ECTS + BEd paper 4 ECTS
- M10: 0-10 ECTS
Please note that if you have completed more that 10 ECTS for the Electives (Wahlbereich), the additional points/courses have to be moved to your Module of Interest (Interessensmodul) and will not be counted towards your degree. For this please contact the SSS Anglistik so that the grades can be moved before you apply for the issuing of the degree certificate.
B) Once you have completed all required courses (M01-11), follow the steps below:
For UF English
- Collect relevant documents:
- Confirmation of courses passed (Bestätigung über positiv abs. Prüfungen)
- If applicable: Notice(s) of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide)
- Hand these documents in at the SSS Anglistik via email from your u:net address. Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre)
- You should hand in your documents as soon as you have finished the required courses at the English department.
- Once you have done this for all three parts, the SSC will send two notification e-mails to your u:account:
- Completion of the programme: If you want, you can now enrol for our MEd UF English programme
- Digital graduation documents: Your documents will be sent via email and include an official digital signature
- If you need a hard copy of your graduation documents, please contact the SSC, responsible for the issuing of your degree certificate directly
Note: The SSS/ SSC of your UF 1 is responsible for collecting all required documents and issuing your BEd certificate. However, to set the process in motion, you have to hand in an application for every part of your BEd studies: one at the SSS/ SSC of your UF 1, one at the SSS/ SSC of your UF 2, and one at the Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung.
C) Starting your MEd
You can enrol only once you have graduated (cf. MA admission with a BA from the University of Vienna and Tagesaktuelle Zulassung zu fachgleichen Masterstudien).
If you are planning to register for courses from the MEd programme, please keep in mind that the process of issuing your Degree certificate can take up to 4 weeks. If you are not enrolled in the MEd by the end of the registration period, you cannot register for any courses.
In this case, please turn to the SSS office during late registration (Restplatzbörse).
Further information:
MEd Master of Education (199 507 xxx or 199 xxx 507, 196 046 xxx or 196 xxx 046) - if thesis is written as part of UF Englisch
The information provided here concerns the UF Englisch (507 / 046) only. Please make sure to also read up on how things work with regard to general teacher education (Lehrer*innenbildung) and your 2nd subject.
There are 3 things you need to do in order to graduate:
A. Complete all courses
B. Write your MA thesis
C. Prepare for the MA defencePlease note: You can start working on your thesis (B) before you've finished all the courses (A), but you will need to have completed both courses (A) and thesis (B) before you can register for the MA defence (C)!
A. Complete all courses
- Complete all modules (including final module).
- Downolad your transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis) from u:space.
- If applicable: Collect all relevant notices of course recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide) as well as your notice of admission (Zulassungsbescheid).
- Send these documents via email from your u:net address to the SSS Anglistik.
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre), so that they can confirm that your record of examinations (Prüfungspass) is complete. This process can take up to 4 weeks and is a requirement for registering for your defence (C), so take care of this in good time!
B. Write your MA thesis
- Decide on a topic for your thesis and find a supervisor. You should ideally be able to finish your thesis within 6 months.
- Register your thesis topic at the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre).
- Complete the thesis.
- Submit your thesis online and at the SSC.
You will receive an e-mail to your u:account once the thesis has been reviewed and graded (unless you handed in your supervisor's report together with your thesis).
C. Prepare for the MA defence
- Coordinate with your examiners.
- Your supervisor will also be your 1st examiner. Your 2nd examiner has to be someone from your 2nd subject.
- Contact them about exam topics and reading list.
- Ask them about possible exam dates.
- Register for your defence
- You need to register at least 2 weeks before the exam takes place. At this point, your record of examinations (Prüfungspass = completion of all courses) has to be confirmed (A) and your thesis has to be graded (B).
- You need to take care of the coordination and scheduling of your diploma exam yourself.
- Agree on a day and time for your diploma examination with your 2 examiners.
- Find a chair with the help of our Chairing List.
- Register for your diploma examination by filling in the relevant registration form and handing it in at the SSC. You can send the document via the SSC's contact form.
Please note: Confirmations for the board of education (Stadt-/Landesschulrat) can be issued by the SSC of your 1st subject once the entire diploma examination is complete.
MEd Master of Education (199 507 xxx or 199 xxx 507, 196 046 xxx or 196 xxx 046) - if thesis is written as part of your other subject
The information provided here concerns the UF Englisch (507 / 046) only. Please make sure to also read up on how things work with regard to general teacher education (Lehrer*innenbildung) and your 1st subject.
There are 3 things you need to do in order to graduate:
A. Complete all courses
B. Write your MA thesis
C. Prepare for the MA defencePlease note: You can start working on your thesis (B) before you've finished all the courses (A), but you will need to have completed both courses (A) and thesis (B) before you can register for the MA defence (C)!
A. Complete all courses
- Complete all modules (except final module).
- Downolad your transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis) from u:space.
- If applicable: Collect all relevant notices of course recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide) as well as your notice of admission (Zulassungsbescheid).
- Send these documents via email from your u:net address to the SSS Anglistik.
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre), so that they can confirm that your record of examinations (Prüfungspass) is complete. This process can take up to 4 weeks and is a requirement for registering for your defence (C), so take care of this in good time!
B. Write your MA thesis
Please refer to the website of the SSS/SSC of your 1st subject.
C. Prepare for the MA defence
- Decide on a 2nd examiner.
- Your examiner for UF Englisch can be anyone from the list of potential thesis supervisors.
- Contact them about exam topics and reading list.
- Talk to them about possible exam dates.
- Register for the diploma examination.
- You have to register at least 2 weeks before the exam takes place. At this point, your record of examinations (Prüfungspass = completion of all courses) has to be confirmed (A) and your thesis has to be graded (B).
- You need to take care of the coordination and scheduling of your diploma exam yourself.
- Agree on a day and time for your diploma examination with your 2 examiners.
- You will also need to coordinate with the chairperson (Vorsitz).
- You have to register at least 2 weeks before the exam takes place. At this point, your record of examinations (Prüfungspass = completion of all courses) has to be confirmed (A) and your thesis has to be graded (B).
- Register for your diploma examination(s) by sending the relevant registration form to the SSC of your 1st subject. For information on how to go about this, please check their website / contact them.
Please note: Confirmations for the board of education (Stadt-/Landesschulrat) can be issued by the SSC of your 1st subject once the entire diploma examination is complete.
Erweiterungsstudium MEd Master of Education (058 506) – as a third subject
The information provided here concerns the UF Englisch (507 / 046) only. Please make sure to also read up on how things work with regard to general teacher education (Lehrer*innenbildung) and your first and second subjects.
What you need to do in order to finish your Erweiterungsstudium/ 3. Unterrichtsfach:
There are 3 things you need to do in order to graduate:
A. Complete all courses, send Sammelzeugnis (and letters of recognition, if applicable) to SSS Anglistik
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudiesServiceCentre), so that they can confirm that your record of examinations (Prüfungspass) is complete. This process can take up to 4 weeks and is a requirement for registering for your defense, so take care of this in good time!
B. Prepare for the MA defense ‘Erweiterungsstudium’ – only one examiner from the list of thesis supervisors. Duration of exam: max. 30 minutes.
Contact him/her about exam topics and reading list as well as the exam date.
Register for the diploma examination at the SSC, ‘Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung’, deadline two weeks before the exam:
Erweiterungsstudium für PH-AbsolventInnen (024 161)
Once you have completed all required courses, follow the steps below:
- Collect relevant documents:
- Confirmation of courses passed (Bestätigung über positiv abs. Prüfungen)
- If applicable: Notice(s) of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheide)
- Confirmation of participation (cf. Statistische Erhebung bei Absolvent_innen) in the online survey for graduates at *
- Hand these documents in at the SSS Anglistik via your u:net email address.
Your documents will be checked and sent on to the SSC (StudienServiceCentre). Within 4 weeks, they will send two notification e-mails to your u:account:- Completion of the programme
- Issue of degree certificate:
Your documents are now ready for you to pick up at the SSC.
- Fill in the online survey for graduates at and print the confirmation of participation (cf. Statistische Erhebung bei Absolvent_innen).
- Pick up your degree certificate at the SSC. You will need to hand in the confirmation that you participated in the graduation survey in order to receive your documents.*
* The confirmation of participation in the graduation survey needs to be handed in with the rest of the documents via email to the SSS Anglistik (while the SSS operates in home-office mode).
- Collect relevant documents:
If you study one of our master's programmes and/or plan to write your final thesis for the teacher education programme as part of the UF Englisch, you may also be interested in the following pages: