Thesis topics

All finished and accepted diploma and MA theses as well as PhD-Theses can be found in our u:theses database. You can use it to check whether your thesis is (too) similar to others that have already been registered. Also note that you can find all theses from our faculty here (Philological and Cultural Studies), not just the ones from our department. You can filter for a particular supervisor under "Erweiterte Suche". The u:theses database lists all theses from 2008 onwards.

Below you can also find a list of all thesis topics that have been registered and/or written at our department since roughly 1990. This list has been updated until 2021, but will not be updated any longer. For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database.

If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via u:search or the online catalogue of the University library. All theses are also available in print at the English and American Studies Library.



Administration of thesis topics

Please note that the registration of thesis topics and all related administrative matters (such as changing your topic or supervisor) are handled by the SSC Philological and Cultural Studies.

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