Deadlines for handing in final course assignments
At the end of the semester, courses with continuous assessment (pi-Lehrveranstaltung) usually involve a final assignment (portfolio, seminar/bachelor paper, etc.). The deadlines are set individually for each course and are appointed by the lecturer.
The latest possible date to hand in course assignments for the winter semester is April 30th*.
The latest possible date to hand in course assignments for the summer semester is September 30th.
Please keep in mind that the final deadlines appointed by teachers can be set earlier than these dates!
*Due to the changes in the period of grace regulation (Nachfrist), students who are not enrolled for the subsequent summer term, should hand in their assignments no later than March 31st (end of the period of grace for the winter term). More information here:
Here you can find useful information regarding registration, exams, the VELT, study abroad, recognitions and more.
- BEGINNING YOUR STUDIES provides information relevant for beginning students, such as
- REGISTRATION summarises the most important points about the registration process, divided into
- EXAM CALENDAR shows all the upcoming exams held at our department
- STUDY ABROAD (OUTGOING/ INCOMING) offers information for students interested in going abroad, as well as for incoming exchange students
- RECOGNITION explains how the process of transferring courses from one programme to another works
- SPECIFICATIONS for research papers
- FINISHING YOUR STUDIES is about the final steps towards graduation, including
- BARRIEREFREI STUDIEREN gives information on alternative testing methods for students with special needs (German)
- DOWNLOADS contains all the forms and documents relating to our degree programmes