Course recognition (Anerkennung)
The recognition of courses is a rather complex administrative and legal process. Below, you can find the following information to help you understand what it is all about:
Before you apply for a recognition
Before you submit an application for recognition at the SSS Anglistik, please make sure to inform yourself, whether the recognition is possible.
In case you are applying for an external recognition (from a different department or university), you need to first discuss the recognition with the SPL team. More information can be found under "Special Case: External Recognition" below.
For a recognition from the BEd to the BA, please consult the SSS team.
For recognitions of the Wahlbereich, which are not part of a recognition regulation, please contact the SPL team.
Please note that the recognition process is an official process and in order to avoid negative consequences (e.g. rejection of the application), a consultation is strongly recommended.
- 10 key facts on course recognition
- A detailed FAQ on course recognition
- Recognition-related downloads, including
- the application forms
- all valid recognition regulations
Please take the time to read through the FAQ before contacting us or submitting your application.
Deadlines for the registration period for courses for SoSe25
Students who need to apply for a recognition of courses, relevant for the registration period in February 2025, must hand in their official recognition application by January 10th, 2025 in order for them to be considered for the course registration.
Please note that the recognition process can take up to 8 weeks.
If you submit your recognition application after this deadline, we cannot guarantee that we can consider it for the registration period in February.
Recognition - 10 key facts
If you just want to get a first idea of how recognition works, here is a summary of the most important points:
- Course recognition = Anerkennung = transfer of course(s) from one programme to another
- Recognition process may take up to 8 weeks
- Application = Form + copy of your transcript(s)
- Highlight relevant courses on transcript
- Application needs to be handed in at SSS
- Submission only via email from your u:account (university email address) - this serves as an identification of your identity.
- For courses taken at our department: Recognition regulation may apply (see Downloads for a list of regulations)
- For courses taken at other universities: Get advice on recognisable courses before submitting your application
- Notice of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheid) will be sent by the SSS
- The SSS will send it to your u:account (university email address). Currently, all certificates are issued with an online signature (Amtssignatur), after receiving the document, you have 4 weeks to check if the information is correct. Make sure to contact us immediately, should there be some inconsistencies. After the 4 weeks are up, the document will become legally binding (rechtskräfitg).
Recognition - Frequently asked questions
WHEN do I need a recognition?
It is necessary to apply for course recognition whenever a grade needs to be transferred from one study programme to another (e.g. BA > BEd, all courses from other universities).
If a grade is found in the wrong place within the correct programme, it just has to be recoded, i.e. assigned to a different module (e.g. BEd: 1st subject > 2nd subject, BA: compulsory module > AE). In most cases, you can re-allocate courses yourself in your Record of examinations (Prüfungspass) in U:SPACE (for further instructions, click the green question mark and go to "Allocation of examination results/courses"). If this is not possible, you can send an e-mail to the SSS from your official u:account; you do not need to submit a formal application.
If you took a break during your studies, you only need to get your grades recognised if you entered a new curriculum when you resumed your studies. Here is a list of all our curricula to help you find out whether recognition is necessary:
Expired / expiring Current LA Diplom A 190 344 xxx / A 190 xxx 344 BA A 033 612 Diplom A 343 MA ELL (from Oct 2015) A 066 812 MA ELL (until Oct 2015) A 066 812 MA ALC A 066 844 LA AHStG A 344 xxx / A xxx 344 BEd A 193 046 xxx / A 193 xxx 046, A 198 407 xxx 2 / A 198 xxx 407 2 AHStG A 343 xxx / A xxx 343 BEd Erw. A 053 046, A 054 407 2 MEd A 199 507 xxx / A 199 xxx 507, 196 046 xxx / A 196 xxx 046 MEd Erw. A 056 046 -
WHAT can I get recognised?
First of all, it is important to note that we can only recognise courses. Skills or experience such as being an English native speaker or having worked as a teacher for many years cannot be taken into account.
Second, there is a limit on what kinds of courses can be accepted. The official ruling states that they must come from "internationally recognised post-secondary education institutions", i.e. universities and colleges, including universities of applied science (FHs) and university colleges of teacher education (PHs).
Third, there are some exams that we cannot recognise simply because there is no need for official recognition. This concerns additional study requirements such as the Latin exam (Lateinergänzungsprüfung), the VELT (Vienna English Language Test) or proof of C1 language proficiency in German. However, this is not to say that it doesn't count if you completed any of these exams as part of a different programme. It simply means that their completion is acknowledged in a different way, not by means of course recognition.
Fourth, while there are plenty of courses that fulfil the first three criteria, not all of them can be recognised here at this department. The English department is only responsible for courses you want to get recognised for one of our own programmes (including our EC World of English 1-3). We cannot accept applications for other teaching subjects (UF), teacher education courses (A 190/193 = LehrerInnenbildung) or EC offered by other departments (except complete EC, see below).
Finally, any courses that you want to get recognised need to fit into the curriculum that you want to use them for. More specifically, they need to be similar in content and format to the courses/modules you want to replace.
Taken together, this means that you can get the following recognised at our department:
Recognition possible Recognition not possible / *necessary University courses that you want to use for one of the following programmes/modules (provided their content fits):
- BA 033 612: Compulsory courses + AE
- MA 066 812, MA 066 844
- Teacher education programmes (BEd 407/046, MEd 507/046, LA Diplom 344):
UF Englisch (incl. electives) - EC 124, 125, 126
Work experience Internships Native speaker status Language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, ...) Teaching certificates (TESOL, TEFL, ...) *Latin exam (Lateinergänzungsprüfung) *VELT -
HOW does the recognition process work?
The recognition process consists of the following steps:
Student Department Please note 0. optional: Counselling recquired for external recognition 1. Hand in application form 2. Application is checked in case changes/corrections need to be made, you will be notified via email 3. Application is processed may take up to 8 weeks 4. Recognition notice is delivered via e-mail (to unet address) recognition notices are not issued if a recognition regulation applies 5. optional: Waive your right to appeal for this write us an email if you need the grades urgently 6. Grades are entered into system may take up to 4 weeks
WHICH documents do I need?
To get advice on course recognition, you should send a copy of your transcript to the person responsible for the type of recognition you need help with (see WHO... below).
For internal recognition (i.e. courses completed at this department), the transcript (Sammelzeugnis) alone is usually enough. However, if you completed courses at some other institution, you may also need to provide course descriptions. You can find out more about what information these should contain in the FAQ on external recognition.
To submit an application for course recognition, you need the following two documents:
- Application form (Application for recognition of examinations - see below)
- Transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis)
A few more things to watch out for:
- Different types of recognition need to be processed separately, so you may need more than one application form. This is especially likely if the courses you want us to recognise were taken at our department. To check if you need to split up your application, see HOW MANY... below.
- If possible, please highlight the courses you want us to recognise in your transcript.
- If your original transcript is in a language other than German or English, you need to hand in a certified translation instead.
- FROM NOW ON: even if all the courses you want to get recognised are covered by a recognition regulation (Anerkennungsverordnung, see below), you have to completely fill in the form. Submitting only the 1st page of the application form plus transcript is not sufficient.
The recognition process is completed by issuing a notice of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheid)*. Currently, all certificates are issued with an online signature (Amtssignatur) and are sent via email to your u:net email address.
*Recognitions done through an AVO (Anerkennungsverordnung) are completed without issuing a notice of recognition. Students receive an email as soon as the grades are entered into the transcript of records.
HOW MANY application forms do I need to hand in?
In some cases, you may need to hand in more than one application form + transcript, because we have to process certain types of recognition separately.
Basically, there are two cases in which this applies:
- Recognition of several EC World of English (124, 125, 126).
- 1 form + copy of your transcript per EC ⇨ up to 3 separate applications
- Grades for individual EC have to be entered one after the other
- Registration for EC required before next set can be entered
- SSS will contact you when you need to register for the next EC
- Recognition of courses for different target programmes
- Target programme = programme the grades should be transferred to
- 1 form + copy of your transcript per target programme
- Please note: As long as the target programme is the same, you can use one and the same application form + transcript even if the original grades come from several different programmes (e.g. courses from both BA and MA recognised for MEd)
- Some, but not all of the courses are covered by a recognition regulation (Anerkennungsverordnung)
- Only applies if courses you want to get recognised were taken at our department
- For a list of all valid recognition regulations, see below
- 1 form + copy of your transcript for all courses covered by a recognition regulation
- 1 form + copy of your transcript for all remaining courses
- Grades for the 2 types of recognition will be entered into the system at different times
- Please note: You will not receive a notice of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheid) for recognitions covered by a recognition regulation. Instead, the grades will be entered into your transcript immediately as soon as your application has been processed
One recognition notice will be issued per application. Each individual notice will be sent in a separate email.
- Recognition of several EC World of English (124, 125, 126).
WHERE do I hand in the application/pick up the notice of recognition?
For the time being, in order to submit your application form, you need to write an email to the SSS at Make sure to attach all necessary documents and to send it from your u:account (university email address) - this serves as an identification of your identity.
Once the recognition process is completed, the SSS will send you your certificate of recognition (Anerkennungsbescheid)* via email. Currently, all certificates are issued with an online signature (Amtssignatur). After receiving the document per email, you have 4 weeks to check it and get back to us in case the entered information is incorrect. After the 4 weeks are up, the document becomes legally binding (rechtskräftig).
*Recognitions done through an AVO (Anerkennungsverordnung) are completed without issuing a certificate of recognition. Students receive an email as soon as the grades are entered into the transcript of records.
HOW LONG does it take until the process is complete?
How long it takes to get courses recognised depends partly on the type of recognition (see WHAT TYPES... above):
For recognitions of the Bescheid-type, the complete process (from when you first hand in your application to when you can pick up the finished documents) may take up to 8 weeks. This official limit may get extended if documents are missing and/or we require further information. If this is the case, we will send an e-mail to your u:account to notify you of the delay.
For recognitions based on an Anerkennungsverordnung (AVO, recognition regulation), there is no official time limit. However, as this type of recognition is usually easier to process than those that require a Bescheid, applications covered by an AVO tend to be completed within 8 weeks as well, if not sooner.
In general, you should bear in mind that the processing time varies a lot depending on our current workload. In some cases, it may take us no longer than about 4 weeks to review your application, but during busier periods (such as the beginning or end of the semester), it may take us the full 8 weeks to complete the recognition process.
WHO gives advice on course recognition?
Who to contact depends on where you took the courses that you would like us to recognise:
Courses from study programmes currently offered at our department: - Lehramt UF Englisch (Diplom or BEd/MEd) - BA English and American Studies - MA English Language and Linguistics - MA Anglophone Literatures and Cultures → SSS Anglistik:, T. +43 1 4277 451-13 Courses taken as part of our exchange programmes: - ERASMUS+, Erasmus International Mobility - Non-EU exchange → Monika WITTMANN:, T. +43 1 4277 424-52 All other courses (i.e. expired and external programmes): - English programmes previously offered at our department (e.g. AHStG, Diplom A 343) - Other study programmes offered at the University of Vienna - All programmes offered at other Austrian universities (including PHs) - All programmes from foreign universities (except exchange programmes) → Natalie WENIG: -
Special Case: External Recognition
What counts as an external recognition?
- English programs previously offered at our department (e.g. AHStG, Diplom A 343)
- Other study programs offered at the University of Vienna
- All programs offered at other Austrian universities (including PHs)
- All programs from foreign universities (except exchange programs)How does the recognition process work?
1) Be admitted to the study program that you want to transfer your courses to
2) Get advice! Send your request via e-mail to and attach the following documents:
- Complete transcript of records from the university you want to transfer your credits from. The transcript needs to be certified by the university's stamp/signature and also legally translated into English or German in case it is not issued in one of those two languages.
- Extensive description of the courses you want to transfer
o how many credits does the course have?
o What was the language of instruction?
o content: what exactly was taught?
o primary and secondary literature
o type of course: lecture, seminar etc.
o methods: written or oral exam, presentation, paper etc.Ideally, you send a list straight out of the course directory (and translate it if it’s not in English or German). If such a list is not provided, please try to summarize those points yourself.
3) You will get a list of transferrable courses and information on how to proceed via e-mail.
For questions concerning the process or general inquiries about the eligibility of your courses, write an e-mail to
Special Case: ECs and AEs
Recognition of extention curricula (ECs)
You do not study the BA English and American Studies and wish to get a recognition for the ECs World of English 1-3
- Sign up for the EC via u:space
- Apply for recognition at the SSS Anglistik (
NB: World of English 1 is a prerequisite for World of English 2 and 3. Therefore, please make sure you have completed World of English 1 before applying for World of English 2 and 3.
Scenario 1: You are (or used to be) also enrolled into a study program at the English Department:
We can recognize the following courses for our ECs:
BA/Diplom Introduction to the Study of Language 1* Approaching English Linguistics Introduction to the Study of Literature Approaching Literatures in English Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies Approaching Cultural Studies Introduction to the Study of Language 2 Introduction to the Study of Language 2 History of English History of English Literature Survey 1 Survey 1 Literature Survey 2 Survey 2 Culture, Society and the Media Cultural and Regional Studies 1 Introduction to Cultural Theories Cultural and Regional Studies 2 *If you took the STEOP: Modulprüfung BA01.1 Introduction to the Study of Language 1, Language Analysis worth 10 ECTS, the whole exam is recognized towards Approaching English Linguistics.
BEd BEd STEOP + Language in a Social Context Approaching English Linguistics BEd STEOP + History of Literatures in English Approaching Literatures in English BEd STEOP + Cultural Theories and Popular Culture Approaching Cultural Studies Scenario 2: You took courses from other universities in English Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies:
Send an e-mail to to get information about possible recognitions.
You study the BA English and American Studies and wish to get courses recognized for different ECs
You need to apply for recognition at the departments that offer the ECs.
However, if you already completed an entire EC module in a previous/different study program, you can apply for a recognition of the complete EC for the BA English and American Studies at the SSS Anglistik.
Recognition of "Alternative Erweiterungen" (AEs)
You study the BA English and American Studies and wish to have courses recognized towards your AEs
You can apply for recognition at the SSS Anglistik.
Which courses are eligible?
All courses that were taken at an internationally accredited university and have not otherwise been used for your BA (e.g. as an EC).
Recognition forms – technical problems?
Even after careful preparation and testing, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that every PDF reader will handle our recognition forms correctly. If you encounter any technical problems (drop downs not showing, no line breaks in text boxes, …) you can use the computers in our library (Link: to fill them out. If you need to do so, please bear in mind:
- to adhere to the library etiquette (Link: (esp. the mandatory use of lockers)
- that, if you want to save the filled-out form, you need to bring your own storage device
- there is a u:print device availabe
- that the computers in the library are openly accessible and that, if you locally save something, the information can be viewed by the next user
If you continue to experience problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Downloads (new)
Course Recognition
Application forms:
Please choose a recognition form, according to the study plan you want your courses recognized FOR:
- BA English and American Studies (612)
- BEd UF Englisch (407/046)
- EC The World of English 1, 2 & 3 (124, 125 & 126)
- MEd UF Englisch (507, 046)
- MA English Language and Linguistics (066 812)
- MA English Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (066 844)
Recognition regulations:
- AVO 28: BEd 407/046 > BEd 407/046
- AVO 370: BA 033 612 > BEd 407/046
- AVO 369: Diplom UF 344 > BEd 407/046
- AVO 19: MEd 507/046 > MEd 507/046
- AVO 156: Diplom UF 344 > MEd 507/046
- AVO 81: Diplom UF 344 > BA 033 612
- AVO 54: Diplom 343 > BA 033 612